Produce cosmetic products with the lowest cost and without having specialized knowledge, production space and equipment.

"Empty capacity" means the additional production capacity of a production unit, which is also called "production without a factory". In this way, brand owners can produce and package their product by taking advantage of the additional capacity available in a factory, without the need to establish a factory or provide equipment, manpower and experts.

Ternam Group, the only expert active in the field of cosmetics, has provided an opportunity for industry and business lovers by providing the experience of this company's specialists.

This company is able to provide and produce private label and empty capacity of all kinds of cosmetic products in bulk and packaged according to customer's request with different scents and colors and the best quality with your own brand and using the latest production line method, advanced machinery and technology. The best is at your service.

Also, this group is with you dear ones with all kinds of consultation and cooperation in all stages including formulation, brand registration, production, packaging, labeling, label design, chemical and microbial tests, obtaining the necessary health permits and sales.

To get started, you can contact us through the email below.